ActiveDocs Office Integration

Seamless, intuitive ActiveDocs document automation functionality within your Microsoft Office suite.

Layout of ActiveDocs software modules, with focus on the ActiveDocs Office Integration.

The ActiveDocs Office Integration module integrates ActiveDocs into your Microsoft Office applications to create a smooth, seamless, and convenient experience for ActiveDocs users and designers.

You can create new emails within Microsoft Outlook, and respond to incoming email communication using ActiveDocs Templates that populate the body of the email.

In Word, the ActiveDocs Snippet pane lets you use your Snippets and clause libraries in any document. This means you can use the Snippets and clauses you built for your automated templates and insert them into any documents. If your Snippets and clauses include any data connections or rules, all of those will be evaluated accordingly.

You can try ActiveDocs in your own environment by undertaking a Proof of Concept project with us.

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Hire agreements and leasing documentation automated at a large truck and bus manufacturer.

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An energy retailer communicates with 1.5 million clients using ActiveDocs.

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Learn about a major implementation thoughtfully executed in Australia's court system.

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